Plans for DART+ West service to Maynooth lodged with An Bord Pleanála
The prosposed DART+ West route (Image
A Railway Order application has been lodged by Coras Iompair Éireann (CIÉ) with An Bord Pleanála for the proposed development of an electrified DART train route, ‘DART+ West,’ from Connolly / Spencer Dock to west of Maynooth and M3 Parkway.
An eight week statutory consultation period will run until the 30th Septemeber 2022, during which time members of the public can make submissions in writing for consideration by the planning authority.
It is currently anticipated that construction will commence on the project in 2024 with the service being fully operational by 2029.
The DART+ West project is taking place under the National Transport Authority’s ‘Project Ireland 2040’ initiative. It will provide for the electrification of 40km of railway lines and passenger capacity will be increased by 160%.
The DART + West proposal also includes:
construction of a new station at Spencer Dock
closure of six level crossings and the provision of replacement infrastructure for vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians
a new DART depot facility west of Maynooth Station
new electric DART carriages to service the route.
Chief Executive of Iarnród Éireann Jim Meade said “The provision of DART services will transform commuting for the existing and new communities along this railway corridor. It will make travelling with us more sustainable, more frequent and more reliable. This is the first DART+ project to submit a railway order, DART+ South West and DART+ Coastal North and South will follow. The DART+ programme, when delivered, will truly revolutionise commuting in the Greater Dublin Area and assist in meeting Ireland’s climate action targets by reducing reliance on the private car and providing sustainable high frequency, high capacity public transport.”
Further information on the DART+ West project can be found on the DART+ website.